The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145078   Message #3359272
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Jun-12 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Battles 'Uncommitted' in Primary
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Battles 'Uncommitted' in Primary
Funny you should say that..I was thinking the same about you!
You'd think after approx. 500 posts regarding that, and the banksters, and corruption of both parties, with them being merely puppets of this group, that you would have come up with something..ummm...just a 'little' more realistic???
Come on, Don, you could be a monster with the truth, but you've elected to be a worm...WHY???
Some day, when you get over yourself, you might realize that, besides being an 'entertaining challenge to you' (your words), and being as you pride yourself as a 'news' guy, I've been the best friend you've had in decades!
I have another friend, a disabled in the line of duty, cop, who is confined to a wheelchair for life. I visit him, and we play chess. He is one of the best chess players, of whom I've played, in my life...and at first he's whoop me a lot(not so much as of our last games, and I've provided him with some of the 'best games that he's played in his life'(his words). If you want to play chess(if you do), let's do that...but let's not play games with the truth, or the news. You could be a force..but you've settled for being a farce.
P.S. As I've told you before.."I'm on YOUR side"....Stop making things up to validate a false agenda.
