The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145242   Message #3359283
Posted By: Rapparee
04-Jun-12 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: 70th Anniversary - Battle of Midway
Subject: RE: BS: 70th Anniversary - Battle of Midway
The Japanese attacks on and occupation of Attu and Kiska were feints. They really, really didn't want to get involved in the Aleutians. Attu was retaken in May, 1943 by the US 7th Infantry Division; the Japanese forces finished with a banzai attack, and only 29 Japanese were taken prisoner.

The Japanese captured a Navy lieutenant, 10 sailors, and a dog at Kiska -- a weather detachment. After the capture of Attu there were more than 34,000 US and Canadian troops, three battleships and I don't know what all else sent to capture Kiska, which was found abandoned. Kiska is now a US National Historic Landmark and a Maritime Wildlife Reserve.

Attu was the only land battle fought on US territory during the Second World War; casualties at Kiska were by "friendly fire."