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Thread #145078   Message #3359369
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Jun-12 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Battles 'Uncommitted' in Primary
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Battles 'Uncommitted' in Primary
Don: "That has been YOUR schtick all along."

That's what I said..the rest of that post is just you falling all over yourself, contradicting yourself..and..well, all about yourself..Oh, and BTW, I'm right..not only are they trying to control the banks, but governments, as well. They certainly control both parties..or are trying to. May I suggest doing some homework...and try this..go for the truth, and work your political stance around the truth, instead of making up truth-S to fit your political stance. You might start being rational....then!

Here, let's give this a look-see, Romney wants Rand Paul to run with him, to lure the voters who support him..BUT Paul is hesitant, because Romney is, watch Romney go for Mitch McConnell.

I called the Rick Perry entrance into the primaries a week before he announced, or was even being talked about....was right about that one....feelin' lucky, are ya'??