"I bet your attitude (and that of several others here) would bloody soon change if a hitherto unknown relative died and left you a mansion, a title and a couple of million quid."
Not sure that it would change me all that much, Don. The couple of million quid would provide me with more choices - but I don't think that it would change my basic outlook on life. After all, what would I spend it on? I've reached a stage in my life where I begin to value possessions less and less. This, by the way, is not sanctimonious bullshit - it's what I really think. Until recently I had a reasonably well paid job (and no dependants} and many of the possessions that I acquired then have become a bit of an encumbrance now.
I'm retired now and the other day I was sat on the bus, idly watching the world go by, and was thinking that perhaps, at this stage in my life, I'm as rich as anyone needs to be. After all I've got reasonable health (for now, at least), I've got a roof over my head, enough money to live on, friends, interests, loads of free time (which allows me to gaze idly out of bus windows) and a free bus pass! I have had my share of disappointments in my life - but money wouldn't have put them right. I think that I'm pretty rich right now - and no-one really needs to be much richer.
Mind you, a constant theme, and a constant cause of concern, which I see whenever I look out of any sort of window, is the on-going destruction of my environment - and everyone else's environment. It is the blind pursuit of wealth which has led to this on-going and ceaseless destruction.