""Mind you, a constant theme, and a constant cause of concern, which I see whenever I look out of any sort of window, is the on-going destruction of my environment - and everyone else's environment. It is the blind pursuit of wealth which has led to this on-going and ceaseless destruction.""
And you conflate the existence of the Royal Family with that blind pursuit?
Another good look around you would, if you were to open both eyes and mind, lead you to the conclusion that most of those seekers of wealth are of the "Loadsamoney" persuasion, being the people who were most involved in the late eighties boom and bust, the lunatic escalation in property values, etc.
And they my friend were mostly common as muck climbers from the bottom of the heap, not Eton and Harrow upper class, which does rather spoil the illusion, wouldn't you say?
Pretty much all of them who succeeded are now among the bankers (with a capital W) who put us in the current position.