The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145217   Message #3360828
Posted By: GUEST,Raggytash
08-Jun-12 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations
Subject: RE: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations
Teribus, my error over Prince Philip, he's also Lord High Admiral, does that carry a salary of any note? The people you mention who are "subsidised" by the Queen, who pays for the upkeep of the properties they live in, do they pay a rent do they pay for transport, utilities and the myriad of other expenses that you and I have to fork out for on a daily basis. What the early guest and now myself wish to ascertain is the true cost of sustaining both the immediate and the wider royal family. I for one suspect it is far higher than we are led to believe.