The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27407   Message #336181
Posted By: catspaw49
07-Nov-00 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Really bad constipation
Subject: RE: BS: Really bad constipation
I was never a military "sailor" paddy, but I've been a sailor most of my life. Its true though, we can never say words that aren't cutesy though. I use head, but as I noted there are a ton of others. I guess we're all a little anal retentive or something. Like the old Lenny routine:

Say, can you tell me where the, uh, little boy's room is?
The what?
You know, the uh, er, well, you know......the, uh, ....restroom?
OH! You mean the "Tinkle-Dinkle, Ha-Ha, Room" where there are the tissues and the sachets and where we keep the cough drops?
Yeah, that's it. I wanna' shit in the cough drop box.
