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Thread #27380   Message #336201
Posted By: Lepus Rex
07-Nov-00 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Subject: RE: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Well, I just voted for Nader/LaDuke. :)

One thing I was thinking about last night... And this is directed towards people who say things like 'Don't waste that vote!' and 'A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush!' ...Do you realise that you're only pushing potential Nader voters into voting for Nader? I mean, the people you know that you think you've changed with these statements weren't REALLY going to vote Green ANYWAY. They were toying with it, perhaps trying to look REALLY progressive for a week or so, but you must know that they were actually for Gore, right? People like me, and many people I know, only got angrier when people would squeal about wasted votes. Do you think people LIKE to be told they are incompetent, that they don't know what they're doing? And do you think that talking down to them will influence their vote in a way you would like? Believe me, it only pissed off the TRUE Nader supporters and pushed other 'incompetent' voters his way. But, hey, it works for me. Be counterproductive all you like, muaha. :)

And I guess I'll have to disagree with you, Frankham, though you're right, such compromise doesn't fit. That's my point. ;)

But back to the Pres. Race... If you hate nectarines, you're probably going to hate peaches as well. That's how little difference there is between Gore and Bush, at least from where I stand (Which, like I mentioned, is somewhere left of the Greens). I guess I'm one of those people Kat and Peter mentioned, who half-hopes Bush wins just for the future liberal backlash. Sometimes we need to suffer to change things. Believe me, the only thing that would progress under Al Gore is time. Four more years of nothing. Short-sighted Americans need to see that things can go wrong, that their rights can fade, that their prosperity can vanish, and that the world is a cruel place, before they'll put down their bowls of pre-chewed mush and do something. They need a kick in the teeth that, unfortunately, I don't think Bush has the balls to give them. But if I'm wrong, and Bush really is the scary right-wing zealot so many fear he is (but isn't), Hell, it's going to be a great time to be a Commie, eh? >:)

---Lepus Rex