The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145217   Message #3362368
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
12-Jun-12 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations
Subject: RE: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations
1: The profits from those estates is really our money because those estates were once land owned in common by the British people, later to be stolen by force by the ancestors of the people who own it now.

When were those estates owned in common by the British people?? Answer to that of course is NEVER, the land always "belonged" by those who defended it.

When were those lands "stolen" by force from the British people??
As an answer to that please, please, please come back and tell us all about the Norman conquest - on that point in terms of fact and history I will bury any idiotic argument you put forward.

What British people are you referring to??

2: "Another point is that those estates are run very inefficiently by people just playing around with their ill-gained power."

Wrong again Steve, those three concerns number amongst the best run property management and business porfolios in the country - fact. To establish that all you have to do is look at their balance sheets, look at how the worth of those estates have grown. Oh by the bye the Royals do not "run" those concerns and have no say in who does. You really should educate yourself with regard to the subject you are discussing. Try approach it from knowledge, not ill-informed tooth-sucking envy.

3: "I paid in tax last year exactly what the tax rules said I should pay."

How public spirited of you - The Royal Family pays more - and those who are legally not obliged to pay tax pay it voluntarily.

4. As far as Charity goes you give what you give - well done. The fact that you cannot put a figure to it indicates like most you just throw a few coins or possibly notes into collecting tins every now and then. Collectively the members of the Royal Family give their names, time and money to over 3,500 Charities.

5. "they are not entitled to their opinions!"

The homeless under Waterloo Bridge are perfectly entitled to their opinions and are free to express themselves - The Royal Family on the other hand are not.