The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27380   Message #336304
Posted By: Lepus Rex
07-Nov-00 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Subject: RE: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Aaaaaghhh... I can't win.

OK... Kat, I didn't mean you specifically, and I certainly don't question your commitment or 'progressivness.' But the thing is, you backed down when you entered the booth. And I do think that you were probably going to vote for Gore all along, though you may not have planned it that way. Whatever changed your mind about voting for Nader was waiting for you behind that curtain, whether you expected it or not. That's what I was getting at in that post. You were 'doomed' to vote for Gore, I think, like many former Nader supporters that I knew were going to back down at the last minute. And I don't think it's bad, or traitorous, or whatever, just a different, valid, though predictable, decision.

I did make the 'trying to sound really progressive for a week' sound rather insulting, though, and for that I do apologise. I know that many in your position were not TRYING to look like anything, though I do believe that many others WERE. But I shouldn't have lumped you all together. Bleh...

Jesus H, I'm shutting the Hell up... Grovelling is hard!

---Lepus Rex