The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15435   Message #3363326
Posted By: Phil Edwards
14-Jun-12 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: A Capella CDs???
Subject: RE: A Capella CDs???
it's not often you hear of a singer brave enough in this day and age to actually record an album, or even just a single or EP, wholly unaccompanied.

This album by Tim Eriksen looks brilliant, although I haven't heard much of it.

To be fair, I think unaccompanied song to the length of an album has always been pretty rare, at least since the Revival kicked off. I can name Bellamy, Anne Briggs and er. It might have been the norm among source singers, but the Revival was accompanied pretty much from the off. There's also the awkward matter of natural endowment; some singers just have a beautiful voice (I could listen to Dave Burland all night, singing anything). The rest of us are more likely to be bashful about putting the voice front and centre.

My own current project started out entirely unaccompanied, but after a while I started to 'hear' arrangements - then I started messing around with multi-tracking and that was that. Even so, sometimes a song is so strong it seems to insist on being done unaccompanied; they're not always the popular ones, though.