The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145217   Message #3363782
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
15-Jun-12 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations
Subject: RE: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations
Ah but Sugarfoot old son Chinese workers have never had any of those things, they grew up and still live in a Communist State that is making money through the adoption of capitalist principles. Slowly but slowly the lot of the average Chinese citizen is improving.

Feeling the chill eh Steve?? Chinese growth down to what just under 9% what are the growth rates predicted for the West and the rest of the developed world Steve? They are measured in points of a percent the best performer around 2.5% I'd take China's chill any day - If the UK report a growth rate of 9% it would hailed as a bonanza.

Yes Steve, Governments get their money from Taxpayers and once the Government have got their hands on it it no longer belongs to the Taxpayer, and the Taxpayer has got absolutely no bloody say regarding what the money is spent on.