The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27428   Message #336382
Posted By: MMario
07-Nov-00 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Add: DUNKIRK
Subject: DUNKIRK
FROM a gif sent by John_in_Brisbane. It says

" Zetta St. Clair composed this song on the basis of first-hand accounts from her brothers who escaped from the Dunkirk evacuation."

(Zetta St. Clair)

Mony weary men fain' death and bearin' pain
On that bombed and bloody beach o' Dunkirk.
As I wounded lay I could hear a comrade pray.
What a nicht! What a nicht!

Mony mile between hame o' mine, beloved scene.
And that bombed and bloody beach o' Dunkirk.
Oh ma hert was sair, wid I see hame ivirmair?
Bit I micht, bit I micht

Mony heroes fell, and the rest endured a hell
On that bombed and bloody beach o' Dunkirk.
'Twas abrave retreat, its accomplishment a feat.
Sic a sicht, sic a sicht

midi to alan' site; NWC to Dickg