The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30280   Message #3365595
Posted By: GUEST,hungryjoe
19-Jun-12 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Origin: The Hermit
Subject: RE: Origin: The Hermit
I'll give you this much... if you want the rest, you'll need to let me know there's still an interest.

(Word for word from an Oscar Brand LP):

And now of a hermit, a tale I will tell
Who lived all alone way down in a dell
My grandfather's grandfather knew him quite well,
This hermit. (4 rising banjo notes)

He lived all alone by the side of the lake
Concoctions and herbs for his food he would take,
And not but of fish would the good man partake
Of Friday. (4 rising banjo notes)

Now to ordin'ry mortals his portals he'd close,
Once a year he'd bathe his body and clothes
How the lake stood it, the Lord only knows,
And he won't tell. (4 rising banjo notes)

Full lyrics upon request. Even the part where the pretty girls show up while he is bathing naked.

(And FYI I have other Oscar Brand lyrics should anyone want them.)