The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145482   Message #3365656
Posted By: Janie
19-Jun-12 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat name
Subject: RE: Mudcat name
The name I go by in the 3-D world is Janie. I don't use my last name because I need to keep my professional and personal life separate. I also have privacy concerns. Perhaps those concerns are unrealistic or perhaps they are naive. I'm not highly imaginative. I don't have alternate egos. I don't do a lot of social networking.

I do think, depending on one's profession or privacy concerns that people often have good reasons for using pseudonyms on-line and I don't have a problem with it. I also understand that some people also hide behind pseudonyms to engage in behaviors or say things for which they do not want to take responsibility.

Simply the nature of some humans. In my opinion, there is no inherent merit in either using a pseudonym or in using one's own name.