The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145456   Message #3365791
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
20-Jun-12 - 05:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Milliband should change his name
Subject: RE: BS: Milliband should change his name
Face it, Al, Miliband doesn't need to change his name but his party - to something less sly, hypocritical and sanctimonius. Labour whinge on about the wicked Tory government (no argument there) but we all know that if they were in power they would be making exactly the same cuts (as a commentator in the 'Independent' put it, a couple of months ago - perhaps a little slower).

Remember that when your darling Labour Party was in power they: carried on with Thatcherite policies, were slavishly pro-big business and anti-trade unions, failed disastrously to regulate the banks, venerated the 'super-rich', allowed the gap between rich and poor to widen, were obsessed with privatisation in education and the health service, perpetuated the 'cult' of managerialism so that public sector staff were buried in pointless paper-work - and then accused them of being inefficient, and pandered shamelessly to the Tory tabloids.

And still mindless, spineless (these days mainly middle-class) Labour Party supporters have the nerve to lecture me on Socialism and social justice!! F..k the Labour Party - may it be consigned to electoral oblivion - it's just another form of Toryism.