The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27434   Message #336594
Posted By: Thyme2dream
08-Nov-00 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: THE WINNER
I for one have been ashamed and disgusted by our leadership in the last eight years. Whatever the issues, I think Gore personally is a fairly intelligent, but nasty man. He would not be a leader I could be proud of, and I am hoping against hope that I can wake up sometime in the next few days and be proud again. If Bush is elected, I hope that he will follow through with his ideas of bringing the nation together, and really working with both parties on solving problems. I don't think you all have as much to fear or swear about as you think you do if he is our next president...with this sort of split vote, no one has any kind of dreadful power until they prove themselves in reality...and with a split congress as well, every major decision will be a battle for either man. I respect you all and your right to swear at me now, and will try to stay friendly and cheerful, but with all the stress I finally just had to put in my tuppence!