The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145501   Message #3366379
Posted By: Nick
21-Jun-12 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Is it legal to video a group sing?
Subject: RE: Tech: Is it legal to video a group sing?
But on a practical note go to any concert in this country or anywhere and the chance are that there will be a video of it somewhere - or do those people with the phones have invisible children on their shoulders who are phoning people and are holding it up to get a signal.

And who knows whether that is good or bad? I'm not sure people know.

I was in a pub in Whitby a year or two ago and bumped into some Sheffield folk (Jack's Rake) who were lovely. Hour or two of trading and sharing songs. Bloke had a video camera. Somewhere there is or was a record of the happiness for me of that time - and all the errors and mistakes.

Would I like to see it again to remember that experience? On balance I think yes.

My dad borrowed a cine camera many years ago and I got a copy of some things from when I was 14-18 and it's stuff you can't buy.

In a world of moral ambivalence I confuse myself as to what is right or wrong.

I'll give you an example -

A bloke who I chat to about music is a Smashing Pumpkins fan. Oceania came out on the 19th and I listened to a little of it on his iphone in a noisy pub. Listened to it on Spotify if I choose; can download it easily for nothing if I choose. I might only listen to it once....

I find it very confusing.

Up in Arran my wife and I went to a session and the lass who ran it had a great voice and Lynne and her had a few hours of harmonies and fun where you trade songs without fear (if that makes sense?) for the pure fun of doing it. We'll meet again when we go up there and she comes to Yorkshire hopefully.

I have a recording of the second time we met up - which is never as good as the first time in a way. I would love to have the highlights of the thing that happened first time round which - unless google have real time video and sound (have they???) - is on it's way to Alpha Centauri by now.

Now there's a thought. If we could travel fast enough...

I'm not sure what is right or wrong on this