The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145507   Message #3366696
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jun-12 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dishonest talk about sex
Subject: RE: BS: Dishonest talk about sex
'Bout 30 years ago I was livin' out in Hanover County, Virginia on a nice farm... We had just about every kinda farm animal you can imagine except a rooster... I knew this ol' boy who raised 'um and went to see him about getting one of his... He pointed one out and said, "That one there is kinda frisky but I reckon he be okay fir ya'..." Sos I bought the thing, brought him home, let him out of the cage and then went into town...

Well, when I went to town Frisky went to town on everything with a pulse and screwed up all to death... Sho nuff did... Even screwed my milk cow to death, something that my Cousin Rufus was never able to accomplish...

So I pull into the farm and see all my animals lying all over the the place dead with their feet up in the air and in the middle of them was Frisky layin' there, too, not movin' at all... I walked out to him, looked down at him and said, "You dumb chicken... You done screwed yourself to death..."

Frisky opened one eye ever so slight and motioned upwards ever so slight with one toe and whispered, "Shessshh.... Buzards..."

And that, my friends, is a true story...
