The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142631   Message #3368109
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
26-Jun-12 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: Jane's Rainbow: for all needing support & comfort
Subject: RE: Healing thoughts & prayers please (Nigel Paterson)
gnu, you've reminded me of that ubiquitous 'T' shirt that did the rounds a while ago: "Same shit, different day". I guess for me it would have to read: "Different shit, different day!" Thanks, Bruce & kat...Bruce, you made me laugh...good, morning medicine.
         I've touched on this next issue before, but I think it's time to raise it once again. In one sense, this thread has almost run it's natural course. It began as a plea for help & support when our daughter, Jane received her cancer diagnosis. The help & support, the wise & comforting words poured in in abundance. At times, almost overwhelming, but always sincere & profoundly meaningful. Over time, as Jane's condition has stabilised, our 'remit' has broadened considerably. Jane remains ever-present, but we have also been able to explore many of our own, frequently deeply personal issues. Sometimes for the first time 'en publique'. The fact of the matter is; Jane could live for several more years, maybe, even live out her 'allotted span'...we just don't know.
          The flip-side is, that since January, we've established & nurtured a dialogue, one which I find invaluable. ChanteyLass wrote earlier about Meditation. She was absolutely right, Mudcat & Music are a form of Meditation for me. It has become a part of my life that I would be loath to lose, but do you feel the same way? Is it time to drop anchor for the last time, can we maintain the interest, energy & commitment that has kept the thread alive & so vibrant? Do write in with your views.
          Much Love to You All,
                                          Nigel & Ann