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Thread #145579   Message #3368383
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
26-Jun-12 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Bobert: ""Right to work" = Right to live poor...
The per capita income in those states is 70% of non right-to-work states..."

Are you addressing an issue??..or trying to pull another diversion, and not address the issue???

'Free Trade' does the SAME thing to the unions...what are you missing, here?....Rockefeller/Clinton gave us that benefit the '1%ers'.

Here...try it again:

"BTW, if the Democrats are so much for the unions, and are against 'free trade' states, and 'right to work' in the hell do they justify North American FREE TRADE Agreement, with Mexico???? Are you thinking that when an employer hires an illegal alien, that the worker joins a union?????
That's what happens when you listen to politicians speaking out of both sides of their mouths!
Nafta got Clinton elected the first time, when he was approached by Rockefeller, when he was, then Governor of was for the '1%ers'....He also signed Glass-Steagal, for the '1%ers'...and Obama sent Immelt to China, for the '1%ers'..the multinational corporations...Now you want us to believe that you are against the '1%ers'...when your party has screwed this country catering to them????????????????....Now, those are FACTS..don't bother countering with unsupported talking points and accusations of Tea party this or that!...and I already know that the Republicans have been doing the same...TWO WRONGS don't make a 'right', nor excuse the behavior of the other!!!!!!........THOSE policies, and the war, have done more to fuck up this country, politically, financially, and cause divisions between Americans, both parties, who normally, are pretty good people. We need people to stand up, and represent themselves, if the parties won't, in lieu of 'special interests'...neither party is doing it!
Oh, and another BTW..Chicago, 1968, Democratic Convention..who were the protesters protesting??..Why???..What side were YOU sympathetic with??...Why???
Some things never change...only the rationalizations!!