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Thread #145579   Message #3368500
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
26-Jun-12 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Bobert: "BTW, NAFTA wasn't on progressives... Liberals weren't for it at the time.."

well, Clinton rammed it through..they took a sneak vote when all the Republicans had already lest for Christmas break....and Clinton was representing himself as a 'liberal' at the time..Hillary is of the same ilk....shills for the same bankers you say you dislike...and the Bushes!..and that's a fact! If Obama runs with Hillary, to get the votes, it would be tantamount to a Obama/Bush ticket. when it comes to the really big stuff, the Clintons have pretty much always gone with the Bushes..both of them...including Mena, for Papa Bush!! These pecker-heads go WAY back, together.

Here's a breaking flash for a Mudcat exclusive!: NOBODY HAS BROUGHT THIS UP, YET...............
With all the scandal about 'Fast and Furious'...and all the 'noble intentions of a slick plan' to catch the cartels using the guns(so they say)....their 'excuse' is just as lame, and illegal!..Didn't anyone inform the AG Holder, that ENTRAPMENT is both illegal and could have gotten everything they got as a result, thrown out of court???...they can't even make up good lies!!!

You heard it first...on Mudcat!!