The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145504   Message #3368860
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
27-Jun-12 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman side of the story published.
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman side of the story published.
""The street criers and radio reactionaries have very little interest in what was going on in either Martin's or Zimmermann's mind and in all events even the law doesn't so much care what people say they thought as what they did and when.""

Mebbe so!

But the problem with that Robo, is that one of the protagonists is going to find it rather difficult to tell anybody what was in his mind or what he did.

One man gets to tell the tale he wants believed, and if you think he's going to say anything other than "I was in the right", then you really are living in fantasy land.

And speaking of fantasy, which of you guys is going to tell me, in all seriousness, that you believe there would have been no immediate arrest and charge, if it had been the white (comparatively speaking) guy who was killed and the black claiming self defence?

Until you can swear to that in a court of law, "Stand Your Ground Law" is only for whites.

Don T.