The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5875   Message #33690
Posted By: Art Thieme
29-Jul-98 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: Has anyone the courage now? (Moses Asch)
Subject: RE: Has anyone the courage now?
SI KAHN sure as hell is writing hard-hitting songs.---some of Sal Rogers & Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer---Magpie too (Terry Leonino & Greg Artzner)J.McCutcheon sometimes & Pete Seeger retrospective CD collections. Larry Penn, a retired trucker and union man from Milwaukee, is saying very important things.---Tom Juravich, others too.

Where are they, you ask? They're singing up a storm all over the country---but the damn media sure won't get behind or notice anybody with a real message. The Spice Girls and Monica is all they notice now---and CD collections of the damn Monkees!.

Woody & Pete never had real attention either---not until the former was safely inside a hospital or dead! Pete still does what he can but elder statesmen, like Pete, are given awards that slide 'em into the mainstream and sanitize 'em. No matter what serious things Pete is still saying (AND HE SURELY IS) all the media shows the world is him getting a Grammy! Who knows anything at all about Noam Chomsky who continues to say brilliant things that are applauded by the world---except in his own country--the U.S. of A.--where he's kept on the margins of political thought by being IGNORED!!Punch in his name on any search engine and you'll have enough brilliant stuff to keep ya busy reading for 3 weeks.

As Bruce (U.Utah) Phillips is fond of saying, "If elections could really change anything, they'd be illegal!"

Art Thieme