The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145579   Message #3369057
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jun-12 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Brucie is 100% correct...

We have a systemic problem with a dysfunctional government... It hasn't been too functional since Newt Gingrich brought all but declared war on Congress and Democrats back during the so-called "revolution" in the 90's which ended up with Bill Clinton being impeached... That was a low point but wait... It got lower... Much lower with the Supreme Court intervening in the 2000 election with it's decision in Bush v. Gore where the court held that Bush would be "harmed" if the recount were to continue... Yup, he would have been... He would have lost!!!

Then came 9/11 and the government seemed to shake off its dysfunctionality until Obama was elected and then it was Mitch McConnell, John Beohner and Eric Cantor taking up where Gingrich left off...

We are now even more dysfunctional than at any time in the 90s because the Republicans refuse to participate in governance...

And they want to shift the blame to rather moderate to conservative policies of the Obama administration...

Yes, our democracy is screwed... Republicans gleefully say, "Well, Dems have hads a majority and didn't do this or that (immigration)" but will not say it's because of their 300 plus filibusters and the tyranny of the Senate "super majority" rule that rewards the minority over the majority...

Yes. as I have pointed our before, unless we fix the systemics then nothing else can or will be fixed... Oh sure... We'll muddle thru but...

...great nations don't remain great by muddling thru...
