The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #3369429
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jun-12 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Obama is definitely not a liberal, if I can go by what he's done in office. However, if Republicans and American conservatives wish to imagine that he is a liberal in order to work themselves up into disliking him even more than they already do...(shrug)...I don't see what the heck anyone can do about it. People believe what they want to believe.

It's just like if you criticize Israeli policy, many people will accuse you of being "anti-semitic". They want to believe you are an anti-semite, because it gives them an excuse to hate YOU and feel better about themselves in comparison, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it...the accusation sticks like glue, once uttered, even when it has no factual basis. And there's no way of disproving such an accusation, anymore than you can disprove that you're a "racist" or a "bigot" or any other hate-label like that.

If people want to hate you and imagine that you are every terrible thing that haunts their anxiety closet, then they will do so, no matter what, and nothing you can do or say will sway them. There's a word for what they are doing too...and it's very similar to what they accuse other people of. One word for it is "prejudice", whatever form it happens to take. It doesn't stem from thought, but from fear and long-established emotional reaction, and it takes no prisoners. It doesn't care about the evidence. It's a pre-made conclusion. It's a self-confirming prophecy.

Obama will always be a "liberal" to his political enemies in the USA, because they can't imagine him any other way. "liberal", after all, is nothing other than a hate word in their vocabulary...just as "conservative" is pretty much nothing other than a hate word in the vocabulary of so many who support Obama.

Makes for a lovely meeting of minds across the corridor, doesn't it? When do we get the next American Civil War? And how did once useful words become so one-dimensional and meaningless?