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Thread #145579   Message #3370153
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Jul-12 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
I'm saying, Don, that you can't fight City Hall through those 2 political more than you could fight fascism by choosing between backing Hitler or Mussolini. No more than you could fight Communism by choosing between Lenin or Stalin. No more than you could fight crime by choosing between Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky.

It's not a viable choice, because it isn't a real choice when they both represent the same essential interests.

What you will get from either one of those 2 big political parties is more of the same you've been getting for a long time now. And that's not a viable choice.

But you don't see any other political choice, do you? So you choose to have faith in one of them. Well, that's your choice. Not mine. I have no faith in either one of them. This doesn't mean that I lie down in the gutter and let anyone take me away, however, (what a dramatic notion!) it means that I continue living my life regardless of those 2 stupid political parties, just like other people do. It's not the ONLY thing in life worth livng for, you know. There ARE other things to live for than the crass political maneuvering and manipulation that passes for "democracy" nowadays in the USA.

I haven't seen anyone coming to take me or you away yet, Don, and I don't think that your opinions or mine will prove to be the crucial tipping point in causing it to somehow happen. But if it did, it could just as well be the Democrats as the Republicans who made it happen. They have both enacted draconian legislation that points very strongly in that direction by abrogating your civil rights. Bush did with the Patriot Act. Obama did with the NDAA. And the NDAA is even more dangerous in that respect than the Patriot Act was. It's the next logical step along the same authoritarian line. It looks to me like nothing has really changed except the faces of the people at the top.

That's why I don't believe in either one of those parties. They are walking down the same path.