The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145633   Message #3370276
Posted By: srothman
01-Jul-12 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Elle Osborne - Singer of the year??
Subject: RE: Elle Osborne - Singer of the year??
Hello again Sean / Sedayne / Blandiver.

You can insult me as much as you like but to bracket EO with Peter Bellamy and Shirley Collins - now that is an insult and defames their peerless legacies.

And if we're exchanging epithets then I would counter your accusation of absolutism with the charge of vanguardism, which (as in your case) is usually articulated in the manner of someone with parental alienation syndrome. Your assessment of me is intemperate, judgemental and full of wild surmise. You presume that I'm reactionary whereas I am open minded about avant-garde movements in the arts and I respect their proselytisers, many of whom have sprung to Elle Osborne's defence. Fair enough, my initial deprecation of her singing was unsubtle but that ought not to make me a taste fascist, as you delicately put it.

And OK Mr Cringe, I checked out The Handsome Meadow Boy recorded on your own label and admit you did a good job on her voice in the studio. But there are also examples on your website of her singing live and the contrast couldn't be starker.

And while showing respect to those whose tastes are different to mine some of the comments there look suspiciously like euphemisms:

those who are interested in that sort of thing .... ragged .... modern dewiness .... astringency .... timbre flickering and quivering