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Thread #145579   Message #3370314
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
01-Jul-12 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
///Hmmm.....Sorry to break it to you J, but it is a "vast sinister conspiracy".
I realised that about age 16, and nothing I have seen between then and now has done anything to change that opinion.////

Well, if you're thinking no differently now than you were when you were 16, maybe you should question your thinking.

////In fact, taking into consideration the wars, political manipulation and the exposure of the corrupt nature of our financial system inthe last few years, it should be crystal clear to everyone.////

You mean Iraq?? ANY president could have done that with the powers already vested in his office. No vast conspiracy needed. The only reason nothing like it happened before is because we never had a president so stupid and irresponsible before.

///Fortunately I have the physical skills to be self-sufficient, I can grow my own food, build my own home, I am self-employed, live where I was born and see no need to travel......Not everyone is as lucky.////

You can or you do? Do you grow your own food and did you build your own home? And what did you build it out of?

////The system needs demolition and re-construction in a manner which is sustainable.....No one "needs" to accept a system which is so corrupt and inequitable, but no matter, we have allowed our freedoms and strengths to be diluted to the extent that the future is no longer under our control.////

And all this conspiracy rhetoric you're spouting will just go away if we overthrow the current order, eh? Sorry, not buying it. We need conspiracy theories whether conspiracies exist or not. God forbid we should put the blame for our own shortcomings on ourselves. That's like the white supremacists who tell me that we need to ship all the blacks back to Africa and drive all the Mexicans back to Mexico and that will be the end of America's problems. Somehow I find that unconvincing.

/////I still find such acceptance and resignation depressing.....maybe thats why I "bitch and whine" so much?.....:0)////

Well, I bitch and whine about the state of our culture and music and find it depressing and got no sympathy from anyone. So I'll give you the advice they gave me: Maybe you should seek treatment for your depression. Problem solved.