The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27407   Message #337054
Posted By: alison
08-Nov-00 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Really bad constipation
Subject: RE: BS: Really bad constipation
Best fruit to eat for constipation is a pear..... even better than prunes (and pleasanter)......

for really bad cases the old "soap and water" enemas are hard to beat......

you'll need a good friend, a funnel and tube, and a big bucket.......

mix up some soap, (we used "green" soap in hospitals.. back when I did this sort of thing... ah the joys of being a student nurse!!! this and flatus tubes had to be the worst..... *grin*)... but I suppose something like "simple" would do....... mix in tepid water...... lubricate and insert tube..... attach funnel to other end.. and slowly pour in the liquid...... when it's in.... lower the tube into the bucket and excess fluid will run out....... (lovely)..... repeat process a few more times...

try to hold on for as long as you can.. then run to the loo.....

then get to work on your diet and water intake.....

good luck

