The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144776   Message #3371145
Posted By: Megan L
03-Jul-12 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Need some extra 'oomph' thoughts, please
Subject: RE: BS: Need some extra 'oomph' thoughts, please
One day the weather was driech grey and damp the sort of weather that drags the spirit down. Giving myself a shake I decided to head down into the town. I stopped by the pier to watch the boat longingly, much as I love my island when you are feeling down the boat represents escape.

A mother and her little girl wandered away from the other people standing near the boat. Both were crying the woman was trying to hide her tears but the child looked like her heart was breaking. Her mother sniffed away her tears explaining her husband was leaving the island to try and find work. I lifted the little girl to sit on the rail as I held her safe then we both waved at the boat as it drew away from the pier.

As I looked down at the water I spotted a shoal of tiny fish. We watched them dart around the water occasionally one would swim of alone for a few moments then swim back to the shoal. It is amazing the daft little stories that spring into your mind when trying to divert a child from tears.

One small group appeared to be following one particular fish and those became a class going out on a trip round the harbour with their teacher with all the naughtiness a primary school outing can muster. As we worked through all the little fishes giving them names and jobs along with lots of silly voices the tears dried and little gurgles of laughter filled the air.

When we parted I felt refreshed and greeted the next person I spoke to with a smile. Sometimes it is the effort we put into making life better for others that improves our own.

Go on lass make lots of happy memories with Morgan even if it is spreading a blanket on the lounge floor and having a picnic on a rainy or to sunny day.