The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145579   Message #3371303
Posted By: GUEST,999
03-Jul-12 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
I think America's greatest enemies are ALEC, DHS, FEMA, ICE, CIA, Wall Street, Monsanto and Congress. Once a people trade a perceived form of security for their civil rights, they are doomed. It has been done by too many Americans. Hell, even state legislatures are beginning to stifle scientific research and results that disagree with what they want to hear. If the coming election is won by the Republicans, America is history. When a people get so dumbed down as to believe political garbage like Romney, Palin and Bachmann, what hope is there for tomorrow? I do not hate America. I do despise what it has become with the help of its media/television.