The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145674   Message #3371320
Posted By: Nancy King
03-Jul-12 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight
Subject: RE: BS: We Got the Weather 'Bomb' Tonight...
Actually, the weather word of the week is "derecho," defined as a "fast-moving, long-lived, large, violent thunderstorm complex. By definition," says the Washington Post, "it creates wind damage along a swath of more than 240 miles and produces wind gusts of at least 58 miles per hour." Winds got a lot higher than that here, and did a lot of damage.

I consider myself lucky -- no real property damage (except to the contents of my refrigerator...), but the power outage has been a real drag. Power came back on this morning for about 25 minutes, then went back out for an hour or so, and is now back on, though some of the lights are noticeably dim. To say I don't trust it is an understatment. But at least for the moment, the AC is doing its best to render the place reasonably comfortable.

Bill and Rita, thanks for the offer of hospitality, but at this point I think I'm OK. Keeping my fingers crossed...