The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27434   Message #337232
Posted By: Jim Krause
09-Nov-00 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: THE WINNER
As I type this it is 1:51 PM central time (USA) and no one quite knows for sure what has happened, except they got a lotta votes to recount down in Florida. Even if Dubya wins, the pragmatic, some would say cynical side of me says that he's gonna have a long, hard four years of it without a strong majority in Congress and an almost 50/50 split in the Senate. Soddy's Analysis: Four years of you-ain't-seen-no-gridlock like this-here-gridlock. There's always the 2004 election, and don't forget the midterms in 2002. A lot could happen, or not. So, vote early & vote often. Soddy