The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145579   Message #3373346
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Jul-12 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats distance themselves from Obama
I know that some of you are slow to recognize obvious truths, that I've been telling you, but Stringsiger's list...:

"1. Unnecessary violations of the Constitution. Ignoring "habeas corpus".
2. Invading countries not only with "unwinable" wars but immoral ones.
3. Kowtowing to oil companies who are despoiling US landscapes.
4. Going back on campaign promises.
(How do you know a politician is lying? His mouth is moving.)
5. Taking single-payer off the table.
6. Making nice with the GOP who is out to hurt him."

....sounds more like Bush...but what the hell, does it matter?
As long as there is a 'D' or 'R' after their name, you think there is a difference....In reality.."you all got fooled again!!"