The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130662   Message #3373443
Posted By: Janie
07-Jul-12 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Yeh, Bobert. That was a shame, but if the same had happened on a close vote with the Dems in power, on another issue, I suspect the Dem speaker would have acted the same as the Repub. speaker did.

Also note (and now I can't find the Rep. maybe you or Jack can.) the Democratic Representative from the Wilmington area who apparently voted for fracking in exchange for an addition to another bill that helped her district re: dollars for the film industry. I can't believe I can't find the info. now with Google. An NC conservation organization revoked a "Green" award she had received previously as the result of her change of vote. She had previously been quite vocal in opposition to the legislation regarding fracking. (I feel like an idiot for not being able to search out the details to name names.)

Republicans are in control of the NC General Assembly for the 1st time since 1870. Understand that in terms of North Carolina, at least during the 26 years I have lived here, there is no discernable difference between a majority of Democrat legislators and what people in other parts of the country would consider moderate to mildly conservative Republicans in terms of positions and votes on either the State or the National level.

A Republican controlled General Assembly in North Carolina = a reactionary right-wing Assembly. That has been quite clear by their votes.

Don't ever forget this is the State that elected Jesse Helms to the Senate for 5 terms.