The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130662   Message #3373629
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jul-12 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
The larger problem here is that fracking is potentially dangerous... Big Oil says, "trust us"??? Yeah, right...

I mean, why are we making decisions on technologies that scientists tell us can poison our water??? Why aren't the real scientists getting heard... Yeah, we hear Big Oil's scientists... Hey, they represent less than 3% of the science community... Many, when it comes down to it aren't scientists at all...

My late father-in-law worked for Big Oil (API - American Petroleum Institute), a K Street lobbying organization that spent a lot of Big Oil $$$ on Congressmen and women... When the Exxon Valdez oild spoill occurred he was sent to the Hill to testify about the effects of oil on the environment... He sat in hearing and in essence told Congress, "Don't worry, be happy, nature has a way of taking care of itself..."
Was he s scientist??? Hell no, he wasn't... He had an undergraduate degree in "horticulture" from Cornell College in Iowa??? Yet there he was, an "expert" advising Congress on this massive oil spill...

This shit is occurring today... The real scientists aren't being called upon for their expertise... Might of fact, there is an article in the Washington Post today about all the real scientists who can't get a job today... "Real" scientists need not apply...

