The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27434   Message #337507
Posted By: MK
09-Nov-00 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: THE WINNER
I think at this point in time, given the nasty rhetoric back and forth between both camps regarding possible voting irreuglarities, the will of the people and the popular vote, etc.etc.etc.......that rather than waiting another week to week and a half for the overseas votes and absentia votes to be tallied, we simply put Gore and Bush in the boxing ring for 12 rounds 1 on 1. No ear biting or headbutts allowed. If this results in a draw, then (as some respondent on CNN said last night) each can serve two years as president, and a simple coin flip will decide who starts first.

It's very sad and bittersweet regardless of the winner...who obviously has no mandate from the people.

I was very amused by Nader's remarks at a press conference last night where he accused the Gore campaign of stealing the election from HIM.