The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5875   Message #33763
Posted By: Jenny
30-Jul-98 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Has anyone the courage now? (Moses Asch)
Subject: RE: Has anyone the courage now?
It seems to me that anyone who has responded vehemently to this thread has a tremendous amount of courage ... or perhaps it is just a vent of rage?!? Be careful, now, since it looks like the country is moving more and more towards the ultra conservative, might they bring back blacklisting? What a horrible thought. This is a bit off the subject perhaps, but it has always been interesting to me that those individuals who are militant anti-abortionists are the same individuals who want to be in the audience when they throw the switch on the electric chair; and those individuals who will not eat meat and wear leather are the same individuals who are pro-abortion. It does make one think. Maybe it's safer to be singing about lost wars, lost souls, the hungry, and the homeless. I guess I've eclipsed the rites of passage since I used to have these thoughts primarily when I smoked pot. (Do you think the fbi and/or the cia monitors the 'cat forum?) jenny