The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145898   Message #3376308
Posted By: caitlin rua
14-Jul-12 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: History of Scientology-by josepp
Subject: RE: BS: History of Scientology
Probably taking my life in my hands to say this but: I found josepp's posts an interesting read, though I already knew most of that stuff, having had some friends who fell victim to Scientologists one way or the other (either getting into their bad books or too far into their good ones). Yeah, the text has some errors & vagaries but I was reading for content, not with my lit crit hat on. And it's by no means as bad as some of the above comments make out. (Anybody read some of the other stuff out there lately? Not just on the internet either.)

I am really, truly baffled by the nastiness in this thread. Which I know I have now drawn down on my own head simply for mentioning it. But what's all this attacking about? What happened to allowing everyone their individual freedom of exression and all that? Jeri's right.