The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145902   Message #3376625
Posted By: GUEST
15-Jul-12 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS:advice wanted re: people's comments
Subject: RE: BS:advice wanted re: people's comments
Hi; lots of good advice here. Paid carers are there to attend to you and your needs, so apart from your physical care needs IF they are supposed to have a role in supporting you with social needs then they should respect your interests and tastes e.g. Enabling you to go to a concert of your choice would be the way to do it, NOT forcing you into the kinds of clubs they prefer, or suggesting that there is something wrong with you if your tastes do not lie in that direction.
I work in social care and all I can say is that these carers have been very poorly trained and supervised if they are being so disrespectful of who you are as a person. If they are supplied through an agency, that body must have some kinds of codes of practice and minimum standards you can expect. I would expect those codes to be build on ideas of respect and person- centred care. The actions and attitudes you are describing do not fit with those sorts of professional values.

I hope you find a way to be assertive (not rude, not aggressive) and tackle these difficulties.