The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27514   Message #337718
Posted By: Auxiris
10-Nov-00 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Concerning 'Hard Times' verses
Subject: Concerning 'Hard Times' verses
To all of you who have been waiting all these long & weary months for some kind of news about the two controversial verses to "Hard Times Come Again No More" that I posted in March, I am sorry to say that as of yet, I've no word from Fiona Fraser to whom I wrote at the time. I assume that she is a very busy person, is no doubt constantly on the road and probably has lots more interesting things to do than satisfy our curiosity. Now, as the busiest part of the festival season draws to a close, I can write to her again if you wish or perhaps if someone who visits the Mudcat knows her personally, they know of a more efficient way to contact her than the admittedly antiquated snail mail letter. Anyone?
