The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145501   Message #3379026
Posted By: Howard Jones
20-Jul-12 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Is it legal to video a group sing?
Subject: RE: Is it legal to video a group sing?
One of the problems with filming is that it can be intrusive, when as Allan says the person thinks the filming is more important than what is being filmed. Simple sound recording should be less of a problem.

At Chelmsford Folk Club in the 1970s and 80s there was a lovely chap, Jim Etheridge, who would be there every week with his reel-to-reel recorder and a pair of stereo mics. He'd sit in the front row with this and recorded everything, guests and floorsingers alike. His tapes are now in the Essex County Archives.

It would be nice to think they might one day be digitised and made available but that seems unlikely, but at least the recordings exist. I think that's good thing. There must be some amazing stuff in there.