The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145993   Message #3379786
Posted By: GUEST,Grishka
22-Jul-12 - 04:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science (Again, still...)
Subject: RE: BS: Science (Again, still...)
"You're just less orderly"--now, THAT is frightening!

... and so it was meant. For our casual readers: "Less orderly" refers to the law of entropy. As JackTS puts it, the text is an "ironic argument for the need for religion". Freeman's message amounts to: "Physicists claim the heritage of religion, but would be unable to answer fundamental questions of humanity, whereas religion can do that to some degree, however modest."

Freeman is a satirical author rather than a philosopher, so we cannot expect a comprehensive treatise from him. Nevertheless, I think his satire misses the point entirely; he misunderstands the physicists' claims and, what is worse, the idea of religious funerals.

He shares these misunderstandings with many writers, pro or contra religion.