The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27501   Message #338166
Posted By: Jon Freeman
10-Nov-00 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Song Circle Room Open
Subject: RE: Mudcat Song Circle Room Open
Yes MMario, an admin is required to open the room but the group can have an unlimited number of of admins so that is not a problem. To act as an admin, one first needs to add squiggle- (me, and note the dash) to their Pal List. From the Groups dialog box, go the the admin menu and select Open/Join Group as Admin. Choose squiggle- from the drop down list of Group Owners. The admin code is 8421.

Entering the room as Admin gives additional priviledges such as the ability to take the mic of someone and to bounce them from the room. Please don't abuse this "power", the bouncing in particular has serious consequences in that a person can not enter again for 24 hours and that repeatedly bouncing people without justifiable cause (being foul mouthed or being generally disruptive are valid reasons) could lose me my rights to be a group owner.

Also, I think admins should know that another thing that could get me into trouble is repeatedly allowing langauge that is unsuitable for the room rating which is "G" (suitable for all ages including minors) so if there ever is a problem, please adopt the following procedure: In the first instance, warn the offender and if the trouble does continue, bounce the offender, stating the reason why on the "bounce user form".

I could of course lock the room so that only those with a password could enter the room but I would prefer to keep the room open and welcoming to anyone who might want to join in. I have visited a couple of other music groups that operate this way and I have enjoyed myself in them.

A couple of general tips:

Uncle Jaques reported in another thread that it had been suggested that he changed his Advanced Audio settings in File/ Setup to stop his sound breaking up. IvanB was breaking up badly last night and changing these setting appeared to cure this problem. The suggested settings are check boxes 1, 3 & 5 should be checked.

IvanB PM'd me, informing me that the Windows Accesibility options (which may have to be added using add/remove programs from Settings/Control panel) provide a means of setting up a set of keystrokes to hold the Ctrl key down and to release it. I am not in a position to try this but perhaps others may like to give it a go.
