The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146073   Message #3381819
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
26-Jul-12 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Men the Superior Race??? Well???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Men the Superior Race??? Well???
Yup. It's an individual thing, and that's all there is to it. Consider, for example, the trans-species thing, the significant number of humans out there who very much want to become Chimpanzees. I have personally known several humans of either gender who are longing to free their "inner Chimp" and alter their species, but who have no recourse to do so, because the modern medical establishment has refused to do any research or experimentation in that direction. Why? Rank prejudice, that's why! How many Chimp physicians will you find at the Mayo Clinic? Whaddya think? None, that's how many! It's a disgrace. Some of my dearest friends are humans who would choose to become Chimps (or in one case, a Gorilla), but they can't, because no doctor in America will help them.

This is another thing I'm gonna change when I become president. Trans-species operations will no longer be suppressed, trans-species individuals will no longer be denied membership in community service organizations, etc.

Individuals of indeterminate species...such as Bobertz...will be tolerated, but watched closely.

- Chongo