The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146103   Message #3382130
Posted By: Richard Bridge
27-Jul-12 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: folk music is for grumpy stinky old men
Subject: RE: folk music is for grumpy stinky old men
I think, in all fairness, that one should point out the smell of the young after a weekend in the mud at a typical British "summer" rock festival - or even smellier but less grubby - one of the very rare truly British SUMMER rock festivals. How I remember the corrugated iron fences around the arena area - rotted right through for about a foot off the ground from blokes pissing on them rather than hold their breath while using one of the fetid portaloos (the few left standing).

Folk has absolutely NOTHING on rock festivals for mank. Or skank.

And we properly understand the grumpy artform.