The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3178   Message #3382289
Posted By: dick greenhaus
27-Jul-12 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
Subject: RE: Bloody Gore -- But Just For Laughs
re: Ruddigore
Originally it was named Ruddygore; renamed to placate those who thought it sounded too much like Bloody Goreo and objected to the word "Bloody"
One one ocasion, someone asked Gilbert haw his operetta 'Bloodygore' was doing.
Gilbert corrected him.
Questioner responded, "same thing"
Gilbert retorted (memorably)," No. If I say 'I admire your ruddy countenance, which I do', it's not the same as my saying "I like your bloody cheek, which I don't."