The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146034   Message #3382354
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jul-12 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men & Washing Machines???
Subject: RE: BS: Men & Washing Machines???
John's got it... The P-Vine loves micro-managing and seein' as she considers herself the ultimate Irish washer woman, all I see is conflict... Heck, she grades me on hangin' the clothes on the stenkin' clothes line... Bad as the Mennonites who have hundreds of laundry rules...

But, yeah, what leeneia said... I mean, I've been out in 100 degrees a total of 4 hours already today working on wiring up the garden house I've been building for her off-'n-on for the last 3 months... And tomorrow I 'll be back out in that steamy 100 degrees cuttin' on trees...

Plus, yeah, 7000 Dylan songs to learn up...
