The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146034   Message #3382467
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jul-12 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Men & Washing Machines???
Subject: RE: BS: Men & Washing Machines???
He ain't, brucie...

Back in Virginia we lived in Mennonite country and them people got a gazillion laundry rules... They even have "laundry day" and they all do it on the same day... You drive thru them farms and every line is hung exactly the same in order of the kinds of clothes that are hung on the left or right... They all have these pulleys that run from the house to the barn and they hang the clothes on these long lines...

I mean, you could take a 100 pictures of the lines and compare them and they would all look identical...

I swear it's that way...
